A special symposium on use of GMOs in Asia-Pacific and its implications to weed management was held in conjunction with the conference. Three other plenary sessions highlighted presentations by prominent scientists from Asia-Pacific, which included topics on globalizing weed science research, revitalizing weed science education, new herbicides and application techniques, new developments in allelopathy, harmonizing herbicide regulations in Asia-Pacific, invasive weeds, and GIS applications in weed science. A field trip to view the Philippine countryside and visit the International Rice Research Institute and the University of the Philippines at Los Banos provided a break from the concurrent sessions during the third day of the conference.
One hundred twenty nine papers were presented at the concurrent sessions on various topics, ranging from weed biology and ecology to herbicides and herbicide resistance and management of weeds in important crops in Asia-Pacific region. Another highlight of the conference was the Best Paper and Best Poster competition sponsored by APWSS and the Monsanto Company to encourage high quality research in weed science in Asia-Pacific. The winning papers and posters were announced during the banquet and closing ceremonies held on the fifth day. Best Paper and Best Poster Awards, consisting of a plaque and cash prize, were given to the winning authors by Dr. Arnold Estrada of the Monsanto Company and the APWSS president, during the closing ceremony.
The winners were:
Best Paper:
First Place: Managing a biotype of wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum)
Authors: A. Cheam, S. Lee, D. Nicholson, and M. Clarke (Australia)
Second Place: Practical weed suppression using allelochemicals from hairy vetch
Authors: Y. Fujii, T. Kamo, S. Horimoto, and S. Hiradate (Japan)
Third Place: Setospharia rostrata 每 A promising fungus for controlling Leptochloa
chinensis in lowland rice
Authors: Duong Van Chin, H.L. Thi, S. D. Hetherington, and B.A. Auld (Vietnam).
Best Poster:
First Place: Crop injury caused by herbicides
Authors: I.Y. Lee, J.E. Park, S.T.Lim, J.R. Cho, and E.S. Lim (Korea)
First Place: A population of sprangletop (Leptochloa chinensis) is resistant
to fenoxaprop
Authors: C. Maneechote, A. Chernchaivachirakul, S. Titawattanakul, and S. Samanwong
Second Place: Root systems of horsenettle (Solanum carolinse), growth pattern,
architecture and reproductive ability
Authors: K. Miyazaki and M. Ito (Japan)
In addition to the Best Paper and Best Poster awards, APWSS gave the Young and Deserving Scientists Award to three delegates, consisting of US$500 each to partially support their attendance to the conference. The awardees in this category are: Song Xiaoling (China), D. Kalyanasundaram (India), and H.P. Singh (India). Special support was given to Mr. Mahdi Faravani (Iran) in the form of waived registration fees.
I also would like to announce that during the Executive Committee meeting held on March 19, 2003 in Manila, Dr. Anis Rahman, who has been APWSS treasurer, since 1991, will resign as treasurer at the end of this year (2003), due to his other commitments. Dr. Rahman has been very dedicated and highly efficient in managing the Society*s finances and we are sad to let him go. Please join me in thanking him for serving the Society faithfully all these years and for keeping our finances in great shape. To take his place please also joins me in welcoming Dr. Steve Adkins from Australia. Dr. Adkins has been an active member of APWSS and has been regularly attending and presenting papers at the conferences and we look forward to working with him in the Executive Committee. Dr. Adkins will assume the post of APWSS treasurer after the turnover of finances of 19th conference is completed.
Our Society is now maintaining two publications, the APWSS journal, Weed Biology and Management, and the APWSS Newsletter, which are both under the leadership of two highly dedicated member scientists from Japan. The chief editor of the APWSS Journal, Weed Biology and Management, is Dr. Kazuyuki Itoh. It is published quarterly and is available both on-line and in printed form. It is distributed through the various country representatives, with annual subscription rate of ㄓ1500. Dr. Itoh has been very enthusiastic in his role as Chief Editor and I would like to join him in asking the members to publish their research results in the Weed Biology and Management journal, which was initiated with the objective of maintaining a journal for tropical Asia. Dr. Yasuhiro Yogo has been the Editor of the APWSS Newsletter since 2001 and has been highly efficient in maintaining two issues per year both on-line and in printed form. We are grateful to both Dr. Itoh and Dr. Yogo for their dedicated and excellent efforts in maintaining these two publications of APWSS.
I also pleased to announce the new APWSS officers for 2003-2005. They are: President 每 Dr. Duong Van Chin (Vietnam), Vice-President 每 Dr. Buddhi Marambe (Sri Lanka), Secretary 每 Dr. Tran Thi Ngoc Son (Vietnam), Treasurer 每 Dr. Steve Adkins (Australia). The site for the 20th conference will be in Vietnam in 2005 and the 21st conference will be in Sri Lanka in 2007. Dr. Duong Van Chin who will lead the 20th conference Organizing Committee has announced the plans for the 20th conference. It will be held in November 2005 at the Rex Hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The theme will be ※Six decades of weed science history from the discovery of the 2, 4-D molecule (1945-2005)§. A website was put up by the Organizing Committee for information on developments regarding preparations for this conference. Though still four years away, the 21st conference organizers for 2007 are also starting to prepare, with the announcement of Dr. Buddhi Marambe as the APWSS Vice-President for 2003-2005.
The APWSS Executive Committee is also composed of country representatives from each member country. The current list of Country Representatives will again be prepared by Dr. Aik Cheam of Australia. I would like to request Societies from each member country to send your new sets of officers and country representatives to Dr. Aik Cheam so he can complete the list for 2003-2005.
Still on conferences, we are looking forward to plans being made by the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA, under the leadership of Dr. Roy K. Nishimoto, APWSS representative to WSSA) in connection with its annual meeting in February 2005, for a joint activity with APWSS (headed by the Weed Science Society of Japan under the leadership of Dr. Misako Ito). Plans are underway and we look forward to attending or participating in this joint activity between WSSA and APWSS/WSSJ in 2005. We also look forward to the 4th International Weed Congress to be held in South Africa in June 20-24, 2004. Dr. Anis Rahman is our APWSS representative to IWSS and the current Vice President of IWSS.
Lastly, on behalf of the 19th Conference Organizing Committee, I would like to thank all the members of APWSS for giving the Weed Science Society of the Philippines the chance to host the APWSS conference for the third time. It has been very challenging, considering the circumstances going on in other parts of the world while we were preparing for this event, but the outcome has been highly rewarding for all those involved in organizing this conference. I would also like to thank everyone for giving me the chance to serve as President. It was a great honor and a rare opportunity to be able to serve, and it has been a highly rewarding and enriching experience. We hope for your continued active participation and support to the Society, especially to the conference sponsors, some of whom have been supporting APWSS since the start of the Society*s organization (1967) for the past 38 years. We look forward to seeing you all again at the 20th conference in 2005 when APWSS celebrates its 40th year.
Dr. Aurora Baltazar (Chair, Organizing Committee of 19th APWSS Conference)
National Crop Protection Center
UPLB, College,
Los Banos, Laguna 4031
Fax: 63-49-536 2409
E-mail: ambaltazar@philrice.govt.ph
IN 2005
The 20th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference will be held from 7-11 November 2005 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
The conference theme will be: ※Six decades of weed science from the discovery of 2, 4-D§ reflecting the major impact that the discovery of this molecule has made on weed science worldwide. After the close of World War II in 1945, British researchers W. G. Templeman and W. A. Sexton and American researchers P. W. Zimmerman and A. E. Hitchkok announced the discovery of the 2, 4-D molecule which led to the recognition of the first selective organic herbicide in the world. Following this discovery a large number of organic herbicides have been developed and used worldwide making a shift in agriculture production techniques from fossil-fuel based land preparation for weed control to minimum- or zero-tillage system using herbicides for crop production. This has been a tremendous contribution to the world agriculture by weed science as a whole and herbicides in particular. However, some undesirable side effects have also occurred, such as environmental pollution by herbicides, herbicide-resistant weeds, unintended effects on non-target plants and adverse health effects to those exposed to certain herbicides. Looking back over the six-decade history of weed science to evaluate achievements as well as limitations and finding the right direction to go ahead is the challenge for scientists and farmers in the Asian-Pacific region, as well as in the rest of the world. This is the reason for selecting this theme. The Cuulong Delta Rice Research Institute and the Weed Science Society of Vietnam extend an invitation to scientists in the region and from around the world to attend this conference.
Organizing Committee
Chairman: Dr. Duong Van Chin
Secretary: Dr. Tran Thi Ngoc Son
Program: Dr. Pham Van Kim
Proceedings: Dr. Martin Mortimer, Dr. Kazuyuki Itoh and Dr. To Phuc Tuong
Finance: Dr. Kazuyuki Itoh
Excursion: Mr. Nguyen Huu Huan
Advisory Committee:
Dr. Bui Chi Buu, Dr. Nguyen Van Tuat, Dr. Tran Van Dat, Dr. A. Cheam, Prof.Dr.
Bruce A. Auld,
Dr. N. T. Yaduraju, Prof. Dr. Prasanta C.Bhowmik, Dr. Stephen O. Duke, Dr.S.
K. De Datta,
Prof.Dr. Misako Ito, Prof.Dr. J.Y.Pyon
Scientific program
-History of world weed science from the discovery of 2, 4-D
-Bridging between continents for future development
-Weed biology and ecology
-Varietal improvement for better crop competition
-New herbicides
-Biological control
-Herbicide resistant weeds and crops
-Integrated weed management
-Weed management and biodiversity and plant extinction
-Utilization of terrestrial, aquatic and oceanic weeds
-Socio- economic aspects in weed science
-Education and technology transfer
-Global warming and plant invasions
-Expectations for weed science at the end of 21st century.
Other matters
The official language of the conference will be English. Other matters such
as: accommodations, field trips, the family and guest program, pre- and post-conference
tours, the call for papers, registration, etc. will be addressed in the second
The website for the conference is now available at the site of Workshop/Cuulong
Delta Rice Research Institute (http://www.clrri.org/en/index-en.htm).
We are looking forward to seeing you in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Dr. Duong Van Chin (Chair, Organizing Committee of 20th APWSS Conference)
Dept. of Weed Science & Farming System
Cuulong Delta Rice Research Institute, Omon Cantho, VIETNAM
E-mail: duongvanchin@hcm.vnn.vn
New Bioherbicide Formulation
A novel bioherbicide formulation has recently been disclosed in Australian Patent Provisional Application No.2002952094 ※Bioherbicidal Formulations§ invented by Prof. Bruce Auld of NSW Agriculture*s Orange Agricultural Institute and Sydney University. The formulation is a water-in每oil-in-water (WOW) emulsion. The complex emulsion is made up of microscopic oil droplets that contain water in a continuous phase of water. It reduces dew dependence in bioherbicides. It has advantages over other formulations in that it is liquid, contains less than 5% oil and can be sprayed with conventional equipment. Details of the formulation have been published in an invited paper in the journal, Weed Biology and Management (Blackwell Publishing), Vol. 3, No. 2 pp 61-67 (2003).
A New Weed Identification Software Package: ※Suburban and Environmental Weeds§
Suburban and Environmental Weeds is an interactive CD-ROM for those who wish to identify or learn more about weeds commonly found in the suburban areas of South-east Queensland. The Lucid identification system provides an important knowledge management tool for helping you to identify suburban and environmental weed species and also provides links to a comprehensive source of information for nearly 250 weed species. A major feature of this interactive identification tool is that users can navigate through the content in any way they want to meet their own, specific information and identification needs. The combination of images, diagrams and text descriptions aids the user during the identification process. A customized search engine also provides a rapid means of directing the user to specific topics to be found on the CD. The CD was developed at The University of Queensland and contains an Introduction, a Tutorial, the Lucid guide and Weed Fact Sheets. In addition, there is an interactive tutorial within the key that explains how to use Lucid and the other information resources. Suburban and Environmental Weeds will be of value to professionals or other individuals involved in weed management. It will also be of interest to schools, colleges, universities and the general public.
The CD-ROM requires a computer running Windows 95 or higher and a screen resolution of at least 800x 600 pixels. The recommended retail price is A$39.95 (plus P&P of A$5 within Australia and A$10 overseas). Prices for multiple copies are available on request. To order copies of the Suburban and Environmental Weeds CD please download the on-line order form from www.cpitt.uq.edu.au and fax (+61 07 3365 1855) or post to ※Suburban Weeds, CPITT, Hartley-Teakle Building, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld 4072 AUSTRALIA§. For all other enquiries email suburbanweeds@cpitt.uq.edu.au.
Further weed identification software products are also being developed and a CD covering the ※Declared Plants of Australia§ is due for release in mid 2003.
Dr. Stephen Adkins (University of Queensland, Queensland Australia)
School of Land and Food
St Lucia Campus
The University of Queensland 4072, Australia
Email: s.adkins@mailbox.uq.edu.au
Tools for Managing Invasive Plants: deployment of bioherbicides and other methods for control of four exotic plants on federal lands in British Columbia, Canada.
Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius),Gorse (Ulex europaeus) Daphne (Daphne laureola) and English ivy (Hedera helix), are four prominent, invasive plants that pose a serious threat to Garry oak and associated ecosystems on federal lands in Victoria, British Columbia. These plants colonize disturbed areas quickly, form dense monospecific stands, remain persistent for long time and defy any easy eradication program. They suppress and inhibit the growth of native plants, and ultimately arrest forest succession. Several federal departments including the Dept. of Environment, Dept. of National Defence, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Dept. of Indian Affairs, and Parks Canada have expressed great concerns regarding their rapid incursion, adverse impacts and degradation of native habitats. With a grant from the Dept. of Environment and the Dept. of National Defence, we have, therefore, conducted research to examine the population dynamics, phenology and control methods of these invasive plants on federal lands near Victoria, BC. Of the several methods of control tested, including manual cutting, application of a registered herbicide (Release- triclopyr), fungal bioherbicides (Chondrostereum purpureum, Fusarium tumidum) and a commercial plastic mulch, it was found that some treatments (mulch and herbicide) provided 100% efficacy on resprouting behaviour of the all four invasive species. While one bioherbicide (Fusarium tumidum) was very effective on Scotch broom under the greenhouse conditions, the other one (Chondrostereum purpureum) produced a variable response under the field conditions. Manual cutting was found to be the least effective. Also a novel prospective bioagent was isolated from dying and dead samples of Daphne from the field and preliminary results, under laboratory and greenhouse conditions, suggest that it may hold great potential for control. Continued and additional research is necessary to determine the appropriate formulations of these bioagents as well as the effectiveness of the different and integrated control treatments over a period of years.
Pacific Forestry Centre, 506 West Burnside Road, Victoria V8Z 1M5
National Seminar on Alien Invasive Weeds in India
A three-day ※National Seminar on Alien Invasive Weeds in India§ was organized by National Research Centre for Weed Science at Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat form 27 每 29 April, 2003. Fourteen lead papers were presented during the seminar on the agro-biology and management of some important alien invasive weeds occurring in the country. A policy paper stressing the necessity for the development of a strategy and action plan at National level for the prevention and management of alien invasive weeds was also discussed. About 60 posters were displayed covering different aspects of alien invasive weeds. About 65 delegates from all over India participated in the deliberations. As awareness raising exercise, specially prepared posters on some problem weeds viz., Parthenium hysterophorus, Lantana camara, Eichhornia crassipes, Ipomoea carnea, Mikania micrantha, Ageratum houstonianum, Chromolaena odorata and Mimosa rubicaulis were distributed to the participants. The delegates were also taken around the famous Kaziranga National Park of Assam, home for the endangered single horned rhinoceros. The park is severely infested by an invasive alien weed Mimosa Spp. At the end a unanimous resolution was passed by all the participants requesting the immediate intervention of the policy makers to contain the damage being caused by these green invaders to the agriculture and environment.
Dr N.T. Yaduraju
Director, National Research Centre for Weed Science
JABALPUR 每 482 004, M.P., India
E-mail: nrcws@sancharnet.in
Dr. Anis Rahman awarded Queens Service Order
The research efforts of Dr Anis Rahman were recognized at the highest level this year with the inclusion of his name in the Queen*s Birthday Honours list released by the New Zealand government in June 2003. Anis was awarded a companion of the Queen*s Service Order (QSO) for Public Services for his research efforts in reducing pesticide use in New Zealand by developing eco-friendly alternatives.
Dr Rahman has been in New Zealand since 1972 and has worked in the area of weed management and pesticide science. He is well known internationally for his environmental research and in 1999 he received the Khwarizmi International Research Award for reducing the impacts of agriculture on the environment. Dr Rahman is Vice President of the International Weed Science Society, Treasurer of the APWSS and an Honorary Fellow of the NZ Plant Protection Society.
In addition to his research efforts, the Award also recognized the considerable contribution of Dr Rahman to both the Muslim and Indian communities living in New Zealand.
The 56th Conference of NZ Plant Protection Society
The 56th annual conference of the NZ Plant Protection Society was held in Christchurch 12-14 August, 2003. The oral presentations included papers on management of weeds in pastures, cropping, horticulture and forestry. The theme of biosecurity was also quite prevalent at this conference. In addition to the oral papers, thirty posters were also presented on various topics. At the AGM the following officers were elected for the 2003-2004 year.
President Dr Ian Popay, Department of Conservation, Hamilton
Vice President Prof. Alison Stewart, Lincoln University, Canterbury
Secretary Ms Lois McKay, AgResearch, Lincoln, Canterbury
Treasurer Dr Anis Rahman, AgResearch, Hamilton
Committee members:
Mr Paul Brookbanks, (Avocado Industry Council), Dr Richard Hill (Richard Hill
& Associates), Mr Trevor James (AgResearch), Dr Philippa Stevens (HortResearch),
Dr David Tuelon (Crop & Food Research), Dr Toni Withers (Forest Research).
The 57th Conference will be held 11-13 August in Wellington.
Dr Anis Anis Rahman
AgResearch, Ruakura Research Centre, P B 3123, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Email: anis.rahman@agresearch.co.nz
We would welcome contributions from your laboratory for the next issue.
The Organizing Committee of the 15th International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), scheduled for 6-11 July 2003, has made the decision to postpone the 15th IPPC for the sake of the health and the safety of all participants and in view of the uncertainties of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in China. To prevent the conflict from the dates of other international congresses in plant protection to be held next year, the Organizing Committee have carefully checked scientific calendar of 2004 and discussed with International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences (IAPPS) for the proper date and with Beijing International Convention Center (BICC) for the availability of the venue. The new date for the Congress will be May 11-16, 2004. The new timetable will be as follows.
The 15th IPPC 2003 to be postponed till May 11-16, 2004, Re-scheduled Timetable
Date |
Morning |
Afternoon |
Evening |
May 10 (Monday) | Registration | ||
May 11 (Tuesday) | Registration | Opening ceremony(2 speeches) | Welcome reception |
May 12 (Wednesday) | 3 plenary lectures Concurrent symposia |
Concurrent symposia Poster sessions |
LOC to decide |
May 13 (Thursday) | 3 plenary lectures Concurrent symposia |
Concurrent symposia Poster sessions |
LOC to decide (Change posters) |
May 14 (Friday) | 3 plenary lectures Concurrent symposia |
Concurrent symposia Poster sessions |
LOC to decide |
May 15 (Saturday) | 3 plenary lectures Concurrent symposia |
Concurrent symposia Closing ceremony |
Farewell banquet Informal concert |
May 16 (Sunday) | Professional trip | LOC to decide |
Professor ZHOU Darong (Organizing committee Chairman)
Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
E-mail: zhou.dr@263.net
Dr. Roy Nishimoto handed over his position as the country representative for USA to Dr. James Hill (jehill@ucdavis.edu) at the University of California at Davis. We appreciate the long tem support to our society by Prof. Nishimoto.
Please forward any changes on APWSS affiliated societies and their respective country representatives to Dr. Aik Cheam (acheam@agric.wa.gov.au) of Australia at your earliest convenience.
September 14-15 EWRS Working Group Meeting - Weeds and Biodiversity
Bristol, UK
Contact: Jon Marshall at
E-mail: jon.marshall@agroecol.co.uk
September 17-19 Seedbanks: Determination, Dynamics & Management
Reading, UK
Contact: carol.aab@hri.ac.uk
Web page: http://www.aab.org.uk/meetings/mtgs2003/seedbank.htm
September 19-20 EWRS Working Group: Germination and Early Growth
University of Reading, UK
Contact: Andrea Grundy
October 2-4 Planning Weed Management for Ecosystem Recovery
Lake Tahoe, California, USA
Contact: Director CalEPPC
October 9-11 EWRS Working Group: Optimization of Herbicide Dose
Location: Nambsheim (Alsace), France
Contact: Per Kudsk, Coordinator
November 3-7 Invasive Plants in Natural and Managed Systems: Linking Science
and Management
7th International Conference on the Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions
Wyndham Bonaventure Resort, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA
Contact: Dr Barbara Tokarska-Guzik
Department of Plant Systematics, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection
University of Silesia, Jagiellonska 28 40-032 Katowice, POLAND
e-mail: tokarska@us.edu.pl
Web page: http://www.esa.org/ipinams-emapi7/
November 10-12 Brighton Crop Protection Conference 2003, "Weeds"
Brighton, UK
Contact: BCPC Ltd., 49 Downing Street, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7PH UK
Tel: 44-0-1252-733072, Fax: 44-0-1252-727194
E-mail: md@bcpc.org
Web page: http://www.bcpc.org/
February 7-11 Weed Science Society of America Annual Meeting
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Contact: Joyce Lancaster, Executive Secretary, Weed Science Society of America
E-mail: jlancaster@allenpress.com
Web page: http://www.wssa.net/
May 11-16 15th International Plant Protection Congress
Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China
Contact: Ms. WEN Li-ping (Secretariat, 15th IPPC)
C/o Institute of Plant Protection
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
N0.2 West Yuanmingyuan Road, Beijing 100094, China
Tel/Fax: 86-10-62811917
Email: ippc2003@ipmchina.net
Web page: http://www.ipmchina.net/ippc
June 19-25 4th International Weed Science Congress
The International Convention Centre
Durban, South Africa
E-mail: sduke@olemiss.edu
Web page: http://www.olemiss.edu/orgs/iws/DEFAULT.HTM
August, 11-13 57th NZ Plant Protection Scoiety Conference
(Venue to be advised)
Wellington, New Zealand
Contact: Dr Anis Rahman, AgResearch, PB 3123, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Email: anis.rahman@agresearch.co.nz
Web page: http://www.hortnet.co.nz/publications/nzpps/
September 6-10 14th Australian Weeds Conference
Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, New Souith Wales, Australia
Contact: R. Farnham
E-mail: eventsww@csu.edu.au
Web page: http://www.csu.edu.au/special/weedsconference/
November 8-12 7th International Symposium on Adjuvants for Agrochemicals
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Contact: Deidre Cloete
E-mail: deidre@iafrica.com
February 7-10 Weed Science Society of America Annual Meeting
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
Contact: WSSA
Science Society and so forth |
European Weed Research Society |
International Weed Science Society |
Weed Science Society of America |
Weed Science Society of Japan |
Useful sites |
Herbicide Resistance Action Committee |
Weed Sci. Group in Western Australia |
Weed Science Pages Index |
World Weed Database |
If you know other web sites related to weed science, please inform
the Newsletter Editor.
Deadline for material for the next Newsletter is
15 DECEMBER 2003
Send newsletter material to:
Dr.. Yasuhiro Yogo
National Agricultural Research Center
Tsukuba, Ibaraki , 305-8666
Fax: ++81-298-38-8515
E-mail: yogo@affrc.go.jp
newsletter has been compiled/edited by Dr.. Yasuhiro Yogo in Japan and
formatted/produced at AgResearch, Hamilton, New Zealand.