Molecular basis of resistance to imazethapyr in redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) populations from China
Jinyi Chen, Zhaofeng Huang, Chaoxian Zhang*, Hongjuan Huang, Shouhui Wei, Jingchao Chen, Xu Wang
Abstract:Three putative resistant Amaranthus retroflexus L. populations were collected in Heilongjiang province
in China. Whole plant bioassays indicated high resistance (RI > 10) to imazethapyr in the three populations.
In vitro acetolactate synthase (ALS) assays revealed that ALS from populations H3, H17 and H39
was less sensitive to imazethapyr inhibition compared to the susceptible population H76. The halfmaximal
inhibitory concentration (I50) values for H3, H17 and H39 were 14.83, 15.27 and 268 times greater,
respectively, than that of the susceptible population H76. Three nucleotide mutations resulted in three
known resistance-endowing amino acid substitutions, Ala-205-Val, Trp-574-Leu and Ser-653-Thr in the
three resistant populations respectively. Therefore, ALS target-site mutations in resistant A. retroflexus
could be responsible for imazethapyr resistance.
Key Words:Acetolactate synthase (ALS);Imazethapyr;Herbicide resistance
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology,2015, 124():43-47